Creating a AD structure

  1. Open the "Server Manager", click on "Tools" and then "Active Directory Users and Computers".

Creating a Organizational Unit (OU)

2. Extend the directories and right click on "", select "New" and "Organizational Unit". Give it the name Employees and click on "OK"

Creating Groups

  1. Right click on the newly created OU and select "New" and then "Group"

2. Fill in "Finance" and click on "OK"

3. Repeat and create the following groups:

  • Finance

  • HR

  • Employees

  • IT

Creating Users

For attack path <url to attackpath> we need to create an user account in the IT-group, to create an account we can use net user /add <username> <password> /domain and to add it inside the IT-group we can use net group IT <username> /add /domain. In this example we're using the following commands:

net user /add IT-support01 Sup3rCompl1c4t3dP4ssw0rd2022 /domain
net group IT IT-Support01 /add /domain

With the command net user <username> /domain it's possible to check someone's group memberships. In this example we're using the following command:

net user IT-Support01 /domain

For attack path <url to attackpath> we need to create an user account in the Employees-group, to create an account we can use net user /add <username> <password> /domain and to add it inside the Employees-group we can use net group Employees <username> /add /domain. In this example we're using the following commands:

net user /add pukcab Bangbang123 /domain
net group Employees pukcab /add /domain

The password Bangbang123 is a commonly used password from 2020, see refferences for the passwordlist.

With the command net user <username> /domain it's possible to check someone's group memberships. In this example we're using the following command:

net user pukcab /domain


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