


Password on shares


  1. Login on DC02 with the username Administrator and password Welcome01!.

  2. Open the "Active Directory Users and Computers" administration tool on DC02.

3. Open the "Users" OU and then right click it, select "New" and "User".

4. Fill in the name sa_transfer and set the password to 2i^t#fFpL.

5. Make sure "User must change password at next logon" is NOT selected and select "Password never expires".

6. Right click on the sa_transfer user and select "Properties", open the "Security" tab and click on "Advanced".

7. Click on "Add" and then "Select a principal" and fill in the name testreset and click "Check Names" .

8. Click on "OK" and select the privilege "Reset Password".

9. Click on "Ok", "Apply" and again on "OK".


How it works


Executing the attack

We know the password of the user testreset, this is Testing123Testing!. It's possible to either login with the account, or open up a PowerShell session. We will go with a PowerShell session.

  1. Start PowerShell and within the taskbar right click on PowerShell and then shift+ right click on Windows PowerShell. If we do this correctly it's possible to select 'Run as different user'.

2. Fill in the login details of the testreset user and click on 'OK'. Now a PowerShell window will open and we can confirm it's running under the testreset user, by typing whoami.

3. Within the script where we found the testreset user, we also noticed the account sa_transfer_test account. If we run net user /domain command within PowerShell, we see the sa_transfer account. It might be that we have the same permissions on this account with our testreset user.

We can confirm this by loading in PowerView and check the ACL's on the sa_transfer account. We will run the following command to check this out.

 Get-ObjectAcl -SamAccountName sa_transfer -ResolveGUIDs | ? {$_.ObjectAceType -eq "User-force-Change-Password"}

The above command will filter out everything but reset password permissions. The output will be as follows:

If we convert the SecurityIdentifier, we notice it's the user testreset.

4. We now know that we have permissions to reset the password of the sa_transfer user. To reset the password of SA_transfer, we will run the following command:

Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity sa_transfer -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString 'WeCanResetThisPassword123!' -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbose





Last updated